Wednesday, October 13, 2010

O.K. so since it takes Scott so long to blog, I guess I have to take over. I'm his wife, Teresa, and there is quite alot going on now. Since he wrote we had a gift pack from one of our great friends, Alysa, and it contained a snake repellent. Well, guess what? Someone didn't think it was needed at this time of year, and when I went out to move the four wheeler because of the weather, almost smashed the snake! Yea, I was like what the heck! Thought it was a stick. I gently tried to move it, and it wasn't liking it. I finally got it in the bushes. It was funny, cause I was just going to pick it up cause that's the way I was raised, but thought better not. O.k. here we go on with the rest of what has been happening. We had some great friends and family for labor day which it was such nice weather so nothing but great times. We were running out of good drinking water though, so that was scary. Scott went and worked on the Chars house and got some more water so we were good to go until the chili cook off. We were expecting alot of people but only Edward, and his kids, Stacy, and Ryan, and kids and Kim and Dave. So anyway, we had a great chili to put in the competition, not to much salt like last year. It didn't win though, one like we made last year won! They made it right! So then it was time to dance dirty and give Ray a dollar bill for his 70th birthday. Of course I was the only one out of our party to do this, go figure. It was a fun time, and he was really surprised! O.K. Let"s move to the next weekend. Scott told Kim and Dave he would do their deck for booze. Wasn't worth it! It would of been if his compressor would of been able to run his nail gun. NOT! So what was suppose to take him one day, took 4! It looks great, but talk about working for a dollar an hour! So Scott left me last monday to help our daughter on her house. Which he thought would of took two days took 4. It really sucked cause he had to sleep on the couch. Wouldn't of been bad, but had a friend Miko that wanted love. That is char's cat. lol. If you don't give Miko love, Miko scratches your face. lol So anyway, he was able to get alot done, but we are going down this weekend so he can finish the kitchen, and she can have it all done to have a Halloween party!!! We will be having a yard sale this saturday and sunday at her house also to raise money for the poor people that live in the mountains! lol

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

These were a few of the pictures of the fun we have had. The snake and one of our new friends
;-), the big squirrel. I think I need to post this one before I can ad new pics.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

OK so 1:35 am Sat the 17th morning. We have the Smith clan cousins with us tonight, along with Ryan so much fun.

Jump to the 22nd, yikes I am a lame blogger. Well what Tony said is true, it's hard to have something to write all the time. We went into Dinosaur Colorado on Monday the 19th to check it out. I blinked and almost missed it. Stopped in Vernal on the way back to do some shopping and some laundry, that Laundromat sucked the big one but was still better than the one in Duchesne. All in all, not a bad trip. On Wednesday night it was kind of hot and we were both having a hard time going to sleep when Teresa said, "I hear something eating outside" So I thought that I was all smart and said " I know what it is, I had to fix the decoration by the door the other nigh" So I went and moved the decoration and was all proud of myself just to have Tease scream, " No it's chewing on the trailer" It was a pack rat, I say was because I had to hunt him down to get him out of the storage area of the trailer. Oh lord please let him be the only one. please please please.... Went out on the boat today and I caught a Rainbow Trout, I had no idea that they even stocked Rainbows, I guess they did last year. It and two perch are now being smoked om the Barbey, MMMMMM, I hope. That's all for now, keep smiling.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today is Sat the 10th, I think?? As you can see I have decided to only write every few days, this will give me more to write about. So on Thursday we were getting ready for our trip to the big city, Price won out on the city of choice. In the morning while getting ready to go to the city I always pop the hood to check for chipmunk nests and or mice trying to make a nest. So of course I pop the hood and start looking around for a nest and see a snake looking back at me, that's right, a snake. It was about a 4 ft long Garter Snake, I guess he was looking for mice or chipmunks as well. It took me about 20 minutes to finally get him out. So after the snake, we loaded up the truck and went to Bever... Price. One of our duties on this day was Teresa's second trip to the laundry, I must say that the Sudsy Duds was a much nice place than the one in Duchesne. The drive between Price and home was an awesome drive, the landscape is amazing, the pine trees are so dense you couldn't walk through it, no way. After a trip to Walmart and Smiths for some shopping, it was back home we go.

Friday was a work day for the most part, well as much as we could before the rain started to fall, AGAIN. It has been blooming up every afternoon for the most part. I should say it has been nice as far as keeping it cooler at night. Repainted the benches and chairs today as well as some other maintenance, pulling weeds and straightening out rocks along the roads as well as raking the gravel. WOW we just got buzzed by a military helicopter, is there anything going on that we need to know about. So today was allot like yesterday was, we were coming back from a ride and were going back to the trailer and SNAKE!!!, two snakes in two days, here it has been 10 yrs and I have not seen one snake any were near our property and now two in two days. HMM is this a trend we don't want to see,? I think yes. I believe that the first snake was the papa and the one today was the mama, hope we don't start seeing the babies. So I have been teaching Teresa how to play cribbage, she's not a fan yet. However I did whip her in Family Guy Monopoly. Keep Smiling.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday the 5th, this was the 5th day of the 4th of July weekend. It started out with a walk of course, but this time there was a friendly little Shar Pei and his friend the Yellow Lab. All I can say is it is a good thing for all involved that I was not carrying on this walk, I was on our second walk of the day however. Today was allot of work and play. Like I said before we did two walks today, took and ATV ride to the Blue Lagoon, we hung out on the cliff edge watch the comings and goings of the campers all around us. I built a new trail from campground loop A to the fire and horse shoe pits, Tease is going to rock the side as usual so it's easy to follow. We are talking about a day trip to the big city, we are wondering what big city it should be, Price, Vernal or just Roosevelt? For now we are leaning towards price, never been through that pass and would like to check it out. Looking forward to having people up on the 17th. Keep Smiling

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Real 4th of July, not the Utah version. I must say the walk was the best part of the entire day. Average temp 55 and rain and wind on and off all day. Global warming, I think not. This has got to be the coldest 4th we have ever had up here. Well I found out that everything in Duchesne is most definitely closed. Two gas stations were open and that's it. We have watched more TV today then we have in a long time. Got to love satellite TV. Keep Smiling ;-)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday started out like all the rest, we went on our walk and I saw something here that I have never seen in 10+ yrs. Any guess as to what it may have been?? Yep, a Rattle Snake, that's right my first one ever. To bad it saw the under side of a tire before I got to see him. He was still a little twitchy though and moved a little once before we tossed him into the field. Ran to town and got road blocked by the parade, well if you can call it that. A few old cars and some people riding on the fire truck and some convertibles, I assume the royalty. I must say that it was probably the busiest day of the year for the market though. Did a little yard work and am still trying to figure out a good way to transfer water with what I have. It was a siphon hose today and I will work on it some more tomorrow. I had to set up the rest of the office today, so what I did was put the all in one down into the basement pass through net to the modem and the wireless router, it worked out great and needless to say I had to work today as well which required it ;-).
Tease and I sat on the cliff edge tonight to watch the fireworks in town, 10 miles away and they were a perfect height to see them. We were all covered up by our net that covers the hammock, very cute. Keep Smiling.